St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church
Friends in Christ, Welcome to Our Parish
Feast of the Theophany of Our Lord -
Great Blessing of Water
January 6, 2024
St. Nicholas Church, Christmas 2025
Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia : " The Way" English version:
Beloved Jesus, grant that I may rest in Your above all things,
Above all creatures, above all Your angels, above all praise,
Above all rejoicing and exultation, above all glory and honor,
Above all heavenly hosts; for Your alone are Most High,
You alone are the Almighty and Good above all things.
May You come to me and deliver me, and release me from
My chains, and grant me freedom, because without You my
Joy is not complete, without You my table is empty.
God saves me, Jesus enlightens me, the Holy Spirit is my
Life, thus I fear nothing.
PYROGY / BORSCHT / BLINTZES SALE..... Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make our Pyrohy Sale a success. Your help is greatly appreciated.
IRS/TAX letters - If you need a letter to file your income taxes for your donation to St. Nicholas Church for 2024 please email Eileen Kowalick at Letters can ONLY be be sent for people who use the church envelopes.
With Sympathy - Our sympathy is extended to the family of +Eleanor Sedar, mother of Scott Sedar who passed away on Thursday, January 30. May Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comfort her family and grant her eternal rest. Vichnaya Pamyat!
HELP IS NEEDED - Snow removal.
We have contacted to have the church parking lot and the rectory driveway plowed after a snowstorm. However, due to fire regulations, the walkway and steps to the church and the emergency walkway behind the hall must be shoveled. Please get in touch with Joe Eskow or Fr. Volodymyr if you can help.
If you are new to our community and wish to join our Parish please see Fr. Volodymyr or Eileen Kowalick after Liturgy. Annual membership dues are $25 for singles, $50 for families. Church Envelopes will be provided to you in January 2025 for proper recording of your donations. Please fill out the Registration Card with your information... If you have children, please list your children's names and age in back of card.
RENOVATION PROJECTS - Thank you again for the donations for our Renovation Projects. We have a Goal of $50,000 to cover the much needed projects for our church and hall. To date we received $34,018 towards our goal. A new furnace and air conditioning system is still needed in the church, as well as other projects. Our church is 100 years old and the hall was built shortly thereafter. Repairs have to be made and unfortunately that cost money. WE STILL NEED YOUR FINANCIAL HELP. There are special envelopes marked RENOVATION PROJECTS on the bulletin table. In this season of giving, we are asking that you help us fund these projects. Please drop your donations in the collection basket. Thank you for your help.
SHOPRITE GIFT CARDS -- We are selling Shop Rite Gift cards in denominations of $50 and $100 as a Fundraiser. These gift cards make great gifts for Birthdays and other occasions, as well for personal use. Please see Eileen Kowalick after Liturgy or call 908-689-2352 for the gift cards. Your support of this fundraiser will be greatly appreciated.
LITURGY INTENTIONS - Liturgy Intentions are now being accepted for Liturgies in 2024. Please fill out the envelopes located on the bulletin table and place them in the collection basket. Please limit your intentions to one or two names for each Divine Liturgy. Donation of $10 is requested.
VISTITATION OF THE SICK/ANNOINTING OF SICK - Anyone wishing to be visited wit Holy Communion and/or anointed for healing. please contact Fr. Volodymyr at 215-869-8027.
CANDLE OFFERINGS - Altar Candles (2) and Eternal Light Candle are available in memory of, or in honor of a loved one for $10. Please use the Candle Offering envelopes available on the bulletin table. Candle offerings will be listed in the bulletin.
We use both the Old Testament and the Gospels as the foundation for our Ukrainian Catholic faith and the inspiration for our daily lives. We put those teachings into practice at home and at work.
Shine in the love of God's grace, every day.
At St Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church Great Meadows NJ, it's our mission to help you explore your relationship with God and improve those meaningful relationships in your family life. Join us each Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning and experience the warmth of faith and the strength of our community.